TheLightBulb is now part of Get Set UK. Same great localised services, but under a new home.
You can find out more about Multiply on the Get Set UK website here.
This new programme will help you gain the numeracy skills you need to understand and use maths in daily life, at home, and at work.
Feeling comfortable with numbers will not only boost your confidence, it can also help you manage your household bills, improve your ability to help your children with their homework and help you get a better-paid job.
Manage your monthly bills
Utilise Better-Off calculations
Find the best energy/phone deals
Understand how to make your £1 go further
Help your children with their maths homework
Understand work benefits/tapering, payslips and travel costs
Create and manage a household budget
Courses are open to adults 19+ who do not have a level 2 maths qualification, i.e., GCSE of at least Grade C/4 or equivalent and live in West Sussex.
Don’t worry, our courses are not like school. They are about learning sums behind the activities you do all the time like budgeting for your weekly shop, checking receipts and bills, measuring food ingredients or even setting up in business.
We will work through your current situation, set goals, break down barriers and build relationships whilst looking at your individual priorities and creating a development programme that meets your needs.
We will be delivering these courses to residents who live in West Sussex out of Crawley office.
Office Location
Get Set UK, 9 Gleneagles Court, Crawley, RH10 6AD
You can contact us on 01293 344929 or by clicking the button below.